The issue of vulnerable damage in Diablo IV

My frustration with the development of Diablo 4 revolves around the issue of vulnerable damage, which was discussed during a campfire chat 43 minutes in. They acknowledged not wanting it to be too strong, but I can’t help but wonder why they designed it in a way that made it blatantly overpowered. With a team of highly educated employees, one would assume they have a basic understanding of mathematics and coding, and the excessive power of vulnerable damage should have been evident within seconds of testing.

My concern isn’t about whether vulnerable is too strong or too weak; rather, it’s frustrating to see over five months of game development dedicated solely to “tuning to their vision” instead of focusing on making the game enjoyable and adding more content.

This feeling of frustration isn’t confined to vulnerable damage alone; it extends to other aspects as well. Each patch seems to involve random tuning rather than addressing significant quality of life (QoL) issues that negatively impact the gameplay. Development time appears to be wasted on trivial matters, which should never have been an issue in the first place.

As for the overall description of Diablo 4, I find it disappointing that the game seems rushed to release and prioritizes profit above all else. While the core gameplay and storyline are commendable, the attempt to create depth and complexity lacks proper forethought, resulting in a buggy mess for anything beyond the closed beta. The game claims to cater to players, but it appears to revolve around monetary gains, implementing features like stash tabs to maximize profits.

Moreover, it feels like essential quality of life improvements are withheld, either to generate additional income or to be presented as “new” content in the future, masking the lack of genuine concern for the gamers’ experience.

Despite these issues, Diablo 4 can still be enjoyable and functional enough to have some fun, i want to get more Diablo 4 gold and Diablo 4 items in-game, pls tell me the ways. However, I believe it’s essential to keep expectations low to avoid disappointment with the game’s current state.